Privacy Policy

This is that page where we reassure you that none of your details (as in none) will get through our security barrier. We'll protect your information. We'd also like to point out that we will not contact you without your consent. Stretch Active believes in the fair usage of data meaning that if our purpose in consensually using your data, doesn't benefit you, it doesn't benefit anyone.

Please read below for details:

Personal Information: This constitutes any information or attributes that help us identify you as an individual and includes but isn't limited to your name, surname, residential address, email address, phone number and identity number.

1. The collection of personal information

Stretch Active collects information by using cookies. A cookie is an alphanumeric identifier that we store on your computer or phone's hard drive when you visit our website. This helps our system to better identify you when you visit our website again, thereby improving our service to you by making it more efficient and convenient. Cookies don't give us the ability to monitor you or the activity on your web browser. You can, of course, disable the use of cookies by configuring it accordingly on your web browser.

The other way we collect personal information from you is by means of electronic forms that you fill out either when registering on our website as a member or by checking out. You will always be given the option to deny the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.

2. The storage of personal information

Stretch Active has put security systems and measures in place to ensure the safe-guarding of your personal information. We've made every effort to prevent unauthorised access to our customer database. 

3. Sharing of personal information

We will not share, distribute, lease or sell any of your personal information without your submitted consent (written or electronic). The disclosure of any of your personal information is subject to one of two instances: Your permission to do so and what is deemed necessary as stated in the POPIA and required by law. The exceptional circumstances by which we may disclose your personal information are outlined below:

  • To comply with the law and any legal process served on us
  • To cooperate with any request for information from law enforcement or governmental authorities
  • Protecting public interest
  • Defend our rights (including enforcement of our agreements)

4. Retention of personal information

Stretch active will only retain your information for as long as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose it was collected for. 

5. Your rights as customer

At any given time, you may contact us to enquire as to whether we have your personal information in our system, subject to proof of identification such as your ID/passport number. You may also request the deletion or update of your information and can unsubscribe from any marketing channels by simply clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link. You have the convenience of being able to update any of your personal information by simply logging into your account and amending any details of your choosing.

Should you require any assistance with the above, do not hesitate to contact us on

6. Compliance and enforcement of this policy

Please note that Stretch Active reserves the right to amend this policy and will do so upon regular review.